
Online booking

The amount of time lost to answering phone calls and creating appointments is substantial, but the true cost is often underestimated because it doesn’t account for the impact of the distraction from other tasks.

With online booking, not only is staff productivity improved but patients have the convenience of booking their own appointments at a time suitable for them.

Custom Configuration

Online booking can simply be embedded into your website and easily custom branded with your logo to offer patients a seamless online experience.

With a multitude of configuration options, JellyPx gives you complete control in how the system is presented and managed. As a fully integrated system, patients can also book online via their own portal page.


Enabling patients to pay during the booking process eliminates the need to raise invoices and manually take payment details over the phone.

By taking deposits or full payment as part of the booking process, DNAs are reduced and patients can be confident that their booking has been made. With the ability to enter special codes at the point of booking, you’re also able to discreetly attract and retain patients with promotions and discounts.


Onboarding new patients can often be an ad-hoc and time-consuming process with a risk of human error when patients are dictating their details. With the need to check changes in a patient’s health history before a follow-up appointment too, streamlining these tasks can save valuable administration time.

Regardless of the appointment type, when patients book online the relevant patient forms, documents and appointment reminders can be sent at the appropriate time resulting in better informed patients who are less likely to make contact asking for details about their booking.

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